This appears to be a sad story ! We, Workspace Infotech Ltd. Just want to make sure you don't face the same problem. We value your time and money.
So we wrote a new story....

Collect Basic Requirements

  • Get requirement from client/product owner
  • Determine type of end users (customer, admin, manager)
  • Discuss about the feature list

Build up story

  • Develop users story
  • Describe the product flow / lifecycle

Write Functional Document

  • Decide the stack ( python, mysql etc)
  • Analysis others requirement. (i.e. need any realtime action, schedule task etc)
  • Split story with modules
  • Create Milestones
  • Decide Development Team (how many developer will work)

Wireframing and mockups with the flow

  • Design team create mockup for confirmation from client/owner
  • Design team create mockup with click event

Use case diagram and Dataflow diagram

  • Use case and dataflow diagram will be created
  • Dataflow of the project and use case scenario for future testing

Choosing tools and technology

  • Tools to develop the project
  • Task management systems to track the project progress.

Implement Design and E-R Diagram

  • Design templates for product and review
  • Finalize Product ER Diagram and Use case model
  • Design Test case Plan for QA team

Finalize Product Release plan

  • Split full product with small features release plan
  • Determine beta releases date
  • QA team test the features before a release

Handle Change Request

  • In every project , there are some change request or new requirement
  • Handle the change request smartly.
  • If new/changes requirement effect in release plan, then restructore updated release plan
  • Give update Weekly or Bi-weekly.


  • Write Product user guide
  • Source Code documentation (i.e. api documentation)